Friday, February 15, 2008

Commentary on Verse 29 by Dr. Andre Muhammad

According to the 29th verse of the Tao Te Ching, the more boastful and arrogant a person is, the more likely this individual feels insecure. The boasting and the arrogance is often used as a defense mechanism of counteracting the feelings of insecurity and inadequacy. Consequently, this is the reason why bullies often tend to try to use intimidation against the seemingly weak, as it enables the bully to experience a sense a self-worth which, many times, unfortunately, is at the expense of others.

People who follow the Way are not of those who seek to intimidate or show how mighty they are. Instead, people of the Way know how to handle and complete their challenges. Without boasting, showing arrogance, or using intimidation, people of the Way are able to bring their confrontations to an early conclusion, whereas people who do not follow the Way meet their early end.

Peace and blessings!

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