Friday, October 15, 2010

"Moved but not Absent" by Rev. Marla C. Hawkins

"They" separated the unlimited, sagacious, academic resources,
That sought only to educate waiting students,
Who eagerly yearned for the blessing of learning.
"They" sought to destroy what the Master had put together,
A connection unlike any other, that proved to allow the disenfranchised to succeed.
Could it be that "They" thought moved meant absent, obliterated?
Let the truth be told.
The connection continues to live on,
In the hearts to whom it was given and
Those who are allowed to taste its victory.
Discipleship though moved is NEVER ABSENT.

Marla C. Hawkins/10-15-10

Dedicated to my friend and colleague, Dr. Andre Muhammad, a treasured gift from God.

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